What is DTF printing ?

DTF (Direct to Film) is new to the printing community with systems becoming commercially available to the industry in late 2021 / 2022, our first system was installed in February 2022 and in its first year we produced over 50,000 prints by this method.

How does it work? Rather like a large inkjet printer it lays down the CYMK portion of a design in reverse on a transparent media, this is then followed (where appropriate ) by a choked white layer (or under base), the resultant printed roll of film is then put through a finishing unit which applies an adhesive. This is then cured to give a film output. The film is then applied by a commercial heat press which permanently bonds the print to the garment, the transparent film is then removed.

What type of ink is used ? Our inks are made by Kodak from a water based solution and are both OEKO-TEX certified and have REACH certification.

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